Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer Recap

Well, summer is almost over-I am trying to stretch it as long as I can. However, even though I do not go back to work officially on Monday, I got to start setting my alarm so I can wake up. I have gotten used to sleeping in. But I won't be missing it..then again ask me around October :)

Summer 2008 was quite fun. Here is a recap:

May 2008: Nora Graduates from CSUN with her Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Graphic Design. Congrats Nora..break a leg in the design world. We are all proud of you!

Can you tell..she's happy :)

June 2008: AAOP's first tea fundraising event. Great turn out and great event. Thanks for my family who supported me :)

Vegas Baby! June 2008

Our 2 year anniversary: July 2008
Oh, how time flies. It has been a truly amazing two years. There has been a lot of learning, a lot of growing and a lot of happy moments. I look forward to the coming chapters in our book!

August 2008: Miami
Remember this Will Smith song:
Party in the city where the heat is on
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
Welcome to miami
Buenvenidos a miami
Bouncin in the club where the heat is on
All night on the beach till the break of dawn
Im goin to miami

Welcome to miami

We were not necessarily bouncin in the clubs till break of dawn..but we had our share of drinks!

I am glad we made it out of there before a hurricane hit!

I do not want to add anymore pictures, but I enjoyed spending time with cousins and seeing people I hadn't seen in a while. So...I go back to work soon. Goodbye summer!


Nora said...

Aaawwww, nice post! I like the last pic! So Beautiful! (btw, thanks for commenting on my blog :D)

Unknown said...

Hey Houry,
How cute!!! The baby's playing around in your tummy. Have a happy V-day with soon to be daddy Vicken.

Love you guys,
Betty :)