Saturday, November 24, 2007

I'm Thankful!

First off...sorry for my delay in posts. It has been a busy couple of weeks. However, I am going to try very hard to post every other day at least even though Christmas is around the corner.

We just celebrated Thanksgiving this week and my birthday happened to fall on the same day. I can list all the many small and large people and things I am thankful for however most of all I am thankful to God for blessing me with such a beautiful, fulfilled healthful and happy life. He is the one who has surrounded me with amazing people such as Vicken and my parents, sister, Vicken's parents and Raffi and Betty. and to this I am thankful and grateful. There are so many other people in my life who I am thankful to have just for their helpfulness, their happy thoughts, their prayers, the moments of laughter and of course this list will go on and on, but this is where I will stop! I am just thankful to God.

Well... it was also my birthday..Turned the BIG 27- This is not old, but when I think about my mom was on baby number 2. Oh well..that was back in the day:) My birthday with family was nice. However tonight Vicken has surprise in store. I took a guess at where he is taking me and shared this with him, he just chuckled so I must be right. I will let you know if I was right with pictures and of course my review.

Have a great weekend. I am sure enjoying having 5 days off the joys of being a teacher!

1 comment:

Nora said...

Nice and Happy Birthday for the 50th time!!! :)