Welcome to Spring! It is so beautiful here! I keep going to Trader Joe's and buying these beautiful daffodils to enjoy the pleasures of spring. If I could I would buy fresh flowers every week the unfortunate thing is that they die! :(

We are at 6 months pregnant-can't believe how time flies. We have finalized our registry and decided on a crib and changing table. Now that I am in the swing of things it has gotten easier preparing for this little babies arrival! For example-We can't decide on a name! AHHHH!
But there always seems to be soo much more to do. I have signed up on as many baby websites as possible to talk to other moms as well as just learn. There are some great resources out there from The Bump to the Cradle. Now I need to make another stop at the library to pick up books on vaccines and other baby related stuff.
I am just breathing and enjoying the beautiful California weather throughout this pregnancy and of course praying for a healthy baby.