Sunday, January 18, 2009

We're expecting!

It has been quite beautiful here in California. The weather has been perfect for me-nice and warm. I occasionally miss the cold, however in my condition I really have not. In case you were wondering what my condition is or if you have not seen the ride side of my blog-I'll let you know :) Vicken and I are expecting :) We are quite excited but of course we only want God to bless us with a healthy baby. I am still in bit of shock mode other than the fact that I have gained too much weight too quickly, but I guess it comes with the "condition". I am just trying to enjoy all the moments now before life gets too hectic.

This book has been great. I have been following it week by week and every time I only think what a miracle it is! Can't get over that fact. Just like I told the doctor during our first sonogram-that's crazy!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Is it 2009 Already!

Happy New Year Everyone and Happy Armenian Christmas! Can't believe it is 2009. I am actually glad Christmas and the rush of the holidays are over. I look forward to the California weather getting warmer and 2009 getting ahead. I have a feeling 2009 is going to be filled with lots of exciting adventures and changes and I truly look forward to it! On one scrapbookers blog I read I found she uses a word for the year as the focus therefore I am taking on two words for 2009 that will help build the foundation for the changes and myself. The words are "good" and "balance" , these two words are important to help focus myself and my life. I challenge the readers to find a word to use for the year!

Resolutions-so many resolutions for 2009. I still have not fully thought about goals or resolutions for 2009 since I have been a bit overwhelmed with life changes ;) but I will get to it soon enough!

I will be back soon!